- Department:
- School of Application at the Faculdade de Educação

Marcelo D’ Salete is an award-winning Brazilian author and illustrator of comics and graphic novels. He is also a professor in the School of Application at the Faculdade de Educação in the University of São Paulo (FEUSP). He holds a master’s degree in graphic design from the University of São Paulo and has taught as a professor at various institutions. His publications include: Cumbe (Veneta 2014), a compilation of graphic short stories that foreground black resistance against slavery in colonial Brazil; Angola Janga (Veneta 2017), a graphic novel about the mocambos that constituted the renowned maroon community known as Palmares; and Mukanda Tiodora (Veneta, 2019), which chronicles the abolitionist struggle in Brazil through the perspective of an enslaved black woman. His work has been translated into multiple languages and published in Portugal, France, Austria, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the US (in the latter case by Fantagraphics). Cumbe won an Eisner Award in 2018; Angola Janga received the Prêmio Grampo Ouro and Prêmio Jabuti in 2018, as well as the Rudolph Dirks Award in 2019; and Mukanda Tiodora won the Grampo de Ouro in 2023.